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Jean P. Ometto

Brazilian Institute of Space Research - BRAZIL


Jean P. Ometto is currently Senior Researcher at the Brazilian Institute of Space Research and Coordinator of the Earth System Science Center (CCST / INPE). Postgraduate Professor at CCST / INPE; Collaborating Professor at NEPAM (UNICAMP). I started my scientific work with a focus on biogeochemistry, stable isotopes and interactions among the components of the biosphere, including "anthropic landscapes". Recently, my academic and research activities are centered on the diagnosis and prognosis of anthropogenic activities and climatic changes, in natural biogeochemical processes, land use and land cover, greenhouse gas emissions and sustainability indicators, including mitigation and adaptation actions; with contributions to the Brazilian government on issues related to the quantification of carbon emissions of the LULUCF sector. Appointed IPCC contributor to WG-II - Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability (for AR5 and AR6 cycles) and to the Task Force on GHG emissions inventories; for IPBES on Regional and Subregional Scope Evaluation; and for the Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Term Climate Pollutants (CCAC) in Latin America; Brazilian representative of the Executive Board of the Inter-American
Institute for Global Change Research (IAI); Regional Director of the International Nitrogen Initiative (INI); Member of the American Geophysical Union's Committee on International Participation (AGU-CIP); Member of the Coordination of the FAPESP Program of Research on Global Climate Change; Vice-Coordinator of the Brazilian Research Network on Global Climate Change (CLIMA Network); Member of the Scientific Steering Committee of the Global Carbon Project Scientific Street (GCP) and the AmazonFACE Experiment. Published 110 scientific papers, 3 books and 18 book chapters.



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