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July 1 to 2
July 3 to 9
July 10
July 11 to 13
Module 1
Ecosystem Services and Nature's Contribution to People
Module 2
Challenges in the Development of Scenarios and Models
Module 3
IPBES Assessment on Scenarios and Modeling
Module 4
Scenarios and Modeling to Achieve Brazil’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)


Day 01 - Monday - 1st July 2019

08h00 - 09h00


09h00 - 09h15



09h15 - 09h30


​09h30 - 10h00



10h00 - 10h30


​10h30 - 10h50


10h50 - 12h30



12h30 - 14h00



14h00 - 15h30



15h30 - 16h00


16h00 - 18h00



18h30 - 20h00

Student registration and distribution of material
Welcome and opening remarks (André Victor Lucci Freitas, Luiz Nunes de Oliveira, Marcos Regis da Silva, Carlos A. Joly)


Short presentation about the State University of Campinas/UNICAMP (André Victor Lucci Freitas)
Presentation on FAPESP’s funding opportunities, its international cooperation agreements and other (Luiz Nunes de Oliveira)


Presentation on the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research/IAI (Marcos Regis da Silva)

Coffee Break


Presentation on the Advanced School, its goals and expectations, professors, course schedule, and logistical arrangements (Carlos A. Joly, Paula F. Drummond de Castro)


CLASS 1/1: Introduction: Ecosystem Services and Natures Contribution to People - from BES to NCP (Unai Pascual)
Coffee Break
Plenary discussion on students' queries and expectations - Students' presentations (students have up to 1 minute each to introduce themselves)

Networking social event to promote interaction among participants

Day 02 - Tuesday, 2nd July 2019

08h30 - 10h00


10h00 - 10h50


10h50 - 12h00



12h00 - 12h30


12h30 - 14h00


14h00 - 16h00



16h00 - 16h30


16h30 - 18h00


CLASS 2/1: IPBES framework and science-policy interface (Cristiana S. Seixas)


Coffee Break


CLASS 2/2: IPBES framework and science-policy interface - Discussion with students on questions related to the subject (Cristiana S. Seixas)


Integration activities




CLASS 3/1: Ecosystem Services and Natures Contribution to People in the Americas (Cristiana S. Seixas)

Coffee Break


CLASS 3/2: Ecosystem Services and Natures Contribution to People in the Americas - Discussion with students on questions related to the subject (Cristiana S. Seixas)

Day 03 - Wednesday, 3rd July 2019


08h30 - 10h00


10h00 - 10h50


11h00 - 12h00



12h00 - 12h30


12h30 - 14h00


14h00 - 16h00


16h00 - 16h30


16h30 - 18h00


CLASS 4/1: Direct drivers in biodiversity and ecosystem services (Milton Ribeiro)


Coffee Break


CLASS 4/2: Direct drivers in biodiversity and ecosystem services - Discussion with students on questions related to the subject (Milton Ribeiro)


Integration activities




CLASS 5/1: Indirect drivers in biodiversity and ecosystem (Thadeu Sobral)


Coffee Break


CLASS 5/2: Indirect drivers in biodiversity and ecosystem - Discussion with students on questions related to the subject (Thadeu Sobral)


Day 04 - Thursday, 4th July 2019

08h30 - 10h30





10h30 - 10h50


11h00 - 12h00




12h00 - 12h30


12h30 - 14h00


14h00 - 16h00




16h00 - 17h00


17h00 - 18h00


CLASS 6/1: Theory: What are scenarios? Different types (exploratory, target-seeking, ...);

IPBES scenarios: what the expert group has been working on (2-part strategy, SSPs/RCPs framework and only briefly Nature Futures which will be explored in detail in the second week). The role of scenarios in the science policy interface (Rob Alkemade)


Coffee Break


CLASS 6/2: Theory: Overview on modeling impacts on biodiversity based on drivers’ trajectories - different models (GLOBIO, BILBI, cSAR, etc.), different metrics (richness, abundance, etc.) (Rob Alkemade)


Integration activities




CLASS 7/1: Coursework: guided example (intermodel comparison) of how to run a biodiversity model using projections of land use change (GLOBIO/cSAR using SSPs land use maps) (Rob Alkemade & Isabel Rosa)


Coffee Poster (Coffee Break + Poster Session)


CLASS 7/2: Discussion with the students, main challenges and interpretation of results, etc. Already start to find possible case-studies from the students (Rob Alkemade & Isabel Rosa)

Day 05- Friday, 5th July 2019

08h30 - 10h30



10h30 - 10h50


10h50 - 12h00




12h00 - 12h30


12h30 - 14h00


14h00 - 16h00



16h00 - 17h00


17h00 - 18h00

CLASS 8/1: Theory: How to model ecosystem services change under different scenarios? Multiple services, challenges, existing data and models (Rob Alkemade)


Coffee Break


CLASS 8/2: Coursework: guided example (intermodel comparison) and discussion of how ecosystem services model were used with projections of land use change (GLOBIO-ES / InVEST using SSPs land use maps) (Rob Alkemade & Isabel Rosa)


Integration activities




CLASS 9/1: Discussion with the students, main challenges and interpretation of results, etc. (Isabel Rosa, Rob Alkemade, Jean Ometto)


Coffee Poster (Coffee Break + Poster Session)


CLASS 9/2: Coursework: Setting up groups and working on real-world case studies (Isabel Rosa, Rob Alkemade, Jean Ometto)

Day 06 - Saturday, 6th July 2019

08h30 - 10h30


10h30 - 10h50


10h50 - 12h30


12h30 - 14h00


14h30 - 18h00

Class 10/1: Coursework: Work on case study (Isabel Rosa, Rob Alkemade, Jean Ometto)


Coffee Break


Class 10/2: Coursework: Work on case study (Isabel Rosa, Rob Alkemade, Jean Ometto)




Class 11/1: Lecture by Dr. Eduardo Assad/EMBRAPA Informática Scenarios for Brazilian crops considering climate changes

Day 07 - Sunday, 7th July 2019 - BREAK DAY
Day 08 - Monday, 8th July 2019

08h30 - 10h30


10h30 - 10h50


10h50 - 12h30



12h30 - 14h00


14h00 - 16h00




16h00 - 17h00


17h30 - 18h00


CLASS 12/1: Theory: Introduction to the Nature Futures framework (Carolyn Lundquist)


Coffee break


CLASS 12/2: Theory: Steps involved in identifying and implementing key components of the Nature Futures framework (Simon Ferrier)




CLASS 13/1: Coursework: developing Nature Futures storylines for case studies of interest to students, as a means of identifying relevant values/impacts, drivers, pressures, policy/management responses (Carolyn Lundquist & Simon Ferrier)


Coffee Poster (Coffee Break + Poster Session)


CLASS 13/2: Discussion with the students, main challenges in introducing storylines, and identifying relevant system components (Carolyn Lundquist & Simon Ferrier)

Day 09 - Tuesday, 9th July 2019

08h30 - 10h30



10h30 - 10h50


10h50 - 12h00



12h30 - 14h00


​14h00 - 16h00



16h00 - 17h00


17h00 - 18h00




CLASS 14/1: Theory: going from qualitative descriptions to quantitative projections - the need for measurable indicators (Carolyn Lundquist & Simon Ferrier)


Coffee Break


CLASS 14/2: Theory: going from qualitative descriptions to quantitative projections - the need for data and models linking relevant system components (Carolyn Lundquist & Simon Ferrier)




​CLASS 15/1: Coursework: identify specific indicators, data and models which could be used to operationalize the case studies developed the previous day (Carolyn Lundquist & Simon Ferrier)


Coffee Poster (Coffee Break + Poster Session)


CLASS 15/2: Discussion with the students about ways in which the framework of indicators, data and models designed in their case studies might be used to formulate, explore and evaluate alternative policy or management interventions to achieve positive outcomes for nature (Carolyn Lundquist & Simon Ferrier)

Day 10 - Wednesday, 10th July 2019


08h30 - 10h30



10h30 - 10h50


10h50 - 12h00




12h30 - 14h00


14h00 - 16h00





16h00 - 16h30


16h30 - 18h00


CLASS 16/1: Based on the IPBES Report, Lecture on Models of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services-A Review (Ninan Karachepone)


Coffee Break


CLASS 16/2: Applications and Case Studies: Valuation of Forest Ecosystem Services and Disservices-Case Study of a Protected Area in India and Valuation of Tiger Reserves in India (Ninan Karachepone)




CLASS 17/1: BPBES Brazilian Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (Carlos Joly)


Summary for Policy Makers Brazilian Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (Maíra Padgurschi)


Coffee Break


CLASS 17/2: Summary for Policy Makers of Brazilian Assessments:


Summary for Policy Makers Brazilian Assessment on Pollination, Pollinators and Food Production (Kayna Agostini)

Day 11 - Thursday, 11th July 2019


08h30 - 10h30



10h30 - 10h50


10h50 - 12h00




12h30 - 14h00


​14h00 - 16h00


16h00 - 16h30


16h30 - 17h30




CLASS 18/1: Scenarios and modelling of the Brazilian Nationally Determined Contribution (Fernando Manuel Ramos, Aline Soterroni & Marluce Scarabello)


Coffee Break


CLASS 18/2: Scenarios and modelling of the Brazilian Nationally Determined Contribution - Discussion with students on questions related to the subject (Fernando Manuel Ramos, Aline Soterroni & Marluce Scarabello)




CLASS 19/1: Sustainability futures: the three tomorrows towards a new normal. (Fábio Scarano)


Coffee Break


CLASS 19/2: Discussion with students on questions related to the subject (Fábio Scarano)


Students organize themselves in groups for the work to be carried out the next days

Day 12 - Friday, 12th July 2019

08h30 - 10h30



10h30 - 10h50


10h50 - 12h30



12h30 - 14h00


14h00 - 16h00



16h00 - 16h30


16h30 - 17h30

CLASS 20/1: Discussions within the working groups formed the previous day, with guidance from lecturers


Coffee Break


CLASS 20/2: Discussions within the working groups formed the previous day, with guidance from lecturer




CLASS 21/1: Discussions within the working groups formed the previous day, with guidance from lecturers


Coffee Break


CLASS 21/2: Discussions within the working groups formed the previous day, with guidance from lecturers

Day 13 - Saturday, 13th July 2019

08h30 - 10h30



10h30 - 10h50


10h50 - 12h30



12h30 - 14h00


14h00 - 17h30



CLASS 22/1: Continued discussions within the working groups formed the previous day, with guidance from lecturers


Coffee Break


CLASS 22/2: Presentation based on each working group's discussion to the whole class, with guidance from lecturers




Students to complete the questionnaire for evaluation of the Advanced School


Closing of the Advanced School

Day 14 - Sunday, 14th July 2019 - Participants leave the school

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